
Academic positions

CNRS Research Associate (since Nov.2018)

UMR MIVEGEC (IRD224-CNRS5290-UM). Maladies Infectieuses et Vecteurs: Ecologie, Génétique, Evolution et Contrôle, Montpellier France.

Assistant professor, GELIFES, U. Groningen (NL) (2014-18)

Genomics research in ecology and evolution Teaching (30%) Membre of the data analysis group of the Anopheles gambiae 1000 genomes consortium project (MalariaGEN – Ag1000G - Wellcome Trust – Sanger Institute, Cambridge, UK).

Research associate, U. Notre Dame (IN, USA) (2012-14)

Supervisor: Prof. N.J. Besansky
Project: Evolutionary genomics and speciation of Anopheles mosquito species complexes.
Data Analyst and coordinator of the analysis group of the 16 Anopheles mosquito genomes consortium project (NHGRI-NIAD project, Broad Institute, Coord. NJ Besansky, MC Fontaine, DE Neafsey, R Waterhouse).
Funding: TARGET Malaria consortium (Bill & Melinda Gates, FNIH, Coord. A Burt).
Membre of the data analysis group of the Anopheles gambiae 1000 genomes consortium project (MalariaGEN – Ag1000G - Wellcome Trust – Sanger Institute, Cambridge, UK).

Postdoc at U. Paris-Sud XI (Orsay, FR) & MNHN (Paris, FR) (2010-12)

Supervisors: Dr. F. Austerlitz & Prof. E. Heyer
Projet: Statistical approaches to the genomic study of human populations adapted to contrasting lifestyles
Funding: French ANR NUTGENEVOL project

Postdoc researcher at U. Paris-Sud XI (Orsay, FR) (2008-10)

Supervisors: Drs. T. Giraud & F. Austerlitz
Project: Statistical population genetics approaches for the study of dispersal processes, inferences of the invasion history of fungal plant pathogen populations.
Funding: ANR EMERFUNDIS et Région Ile de France.

Marie Curie fellowship, U. Leeds (GB) (2008)

Superviseur : S.J. Goodman
Projet : Génétique du paysage marin des populations de marsouins communs de Grande Bretagne
Financement Marie Curie de courte durée.

PhD Thesis in Biological life Sciences, U. Liège (Liège, BE) (2003-08)

Supervisors: Pr. J.M. Bouquegneau & Dr. J.R Michaux
Lab. for Océanology (U. Liège, Belgique) and CBGP-INRA (Montpellier, France).
Project: Genetic and ecological structure and evolution of harbour porpoise populations in Western Palearctic waters.
Funding: Politique scientifique fédérale Belge (BELSPO SSTC - VIPHOGEN EV/12/46a); Special fund from the Univ. Liège; PhD fellowship from the Belgian National Fund for Scientific Research (FRS-FNRS).


French Habilitation to Supervise Research (HDR) in Life Science, U. Montpellier (2021–22)

Defended on April 8, 2022 at the IRD Occitanie plant amphitheater in Montpellier.
Title: Adaptation and reticulated evolution of populations and species along the speciation.
Jury: Pr. Stéphanie MANEL (president), Dr. Mathieu GAUTHIER, Dr. Frédéric AUSTERLITZ (examinator), Dr. Nicolas BIERNE (examinator), Pr. Xavier VEKEMANS (examinator).

Supervising phD students for PI’s. Professional training for researchers at U. Groningen (2015).

Leadership and Management Skills for PI’s. Professional training for researchers at U. Groningen (2015).

PhD in Life Science, U. Liège, Belgium (2003–08)

Defended with the highest honors (Cum Laude) on March 6, 2008.
Title: Structure and evolution of harbor porpoise populations in Western Palearctic waters.
Lab: Centre de Biologie et de Gestion des Populations. UMR CBGP–INRA (Montferrier-sur-Lez, France) et Laboratoire d’Océanologie (U. Liège, Belgique).
Jury : Pr. P PONCIN (président), Dr. K DAS (secrétaire), Dr. JR MICHAUX (superviseur), Pr. JM BOUQUEGNEAU (superviseur), Pr. M GEORGES, Pr. PJ PALSBOLL, Dr. SJ GOODMAN.

Diplôme d’Étude Approfondie (DEA) In Life Sciences, U. Liège (2003–04)

Graduated with Honors.
Title: Genetic structure of harbour porpoise populations
Lab: UMR CBGP–INRA (Montferrier-sur-Lez, France) et Laboratoire d’Océanologie (U.Lg, Belgique). Supervisors: Dr. JR Michaux & Pr. JM Bouquegneau.

Diplôme d’Étude Complémentaire de 2ème cycle en Océanologie, U. Liège (2002–03)

Graduated with the highest distinction and congratulations of the jury (Magna Cum Laude)

Candidatures et Licences en Sciences Biologiques, U. Liège (1998–02).

Graduated with honnors.